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Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Gain and A Loss

    "I'm going to need you to push."
     "I know it hurts but this isn't going to go any faster if you don't try!" Scorchtooth's gruff voice could be heard outside the Nursery. Cats sat around anxiously, some pacing in the snow, as they waited for the kitting to be a success. The odds were not looking favorable. The lack of prey the clan had experienced had affected Dawnflight. The white and ginger she-cat wasn't used to such cold weather or so little food. Her ribs were exposed underneath her thinning pelt and she had come out of the Nursery less and less.
     Her body quivered as she attempted to push, her belly not as hard as it should be. Scorchtooth encouraged her with as gentle as his tone could be, rubbing her belly and praying to star clan. With each passing moment the Queen grew more weak and exhausted.
     "Can't...I can't.." Scorchtooth looked at her desperately as she mewed the words. At this point, his focus was on saving the kits. Their mother wasn't going to make it.
     "I want you to bite onto this branch and give the best push you can. Think of the kits. They need you to be strong now." Silverpaw was watching, holding down the stick for her, with wide eyes. The ginger and white she-cat nodded feebly and bit hard onto the branch, her face twisting with pain. The first two kits slipped out. Scorchtooth scooped them up with gentle, quick paws. The black tom passed one to his Apprentice, "Lick it, get it breathing." He licked the other kit vigorously, praying they would be healthy and start mewling out.
     Scorchtooth felt relief rush through him when he heard a loud mewl come from the tiny kit. It was a tom, with dusky brown fur then deeper brown on his tail, paws, ears, and muzzle. "Alright, great. Great! You're doing great Dawnflight, just give us one more good push." He set the kitten by its mother's belly, feeling it as he did so. There were at least two more tiny bodies that needed to be kitted. Dawnflight moaned in pain, too weak to yowl out. Her eyes were unfocused and she lay there nearly limp, breathing hard. Scorchtooth felt a pang in his heart. These kits would live without a mother if they lived at all.
     Silverpaw set down her kit next to the brown one. It was a dark calico she-kit, with mixes of black, ginger, and white in her soft pelt. The two squirmed, nuzzling at each other as they figured out each other's scent. "Come on Dawnflight. I know you're strong." The Medicine cat apprentice crouched close to her and mewed encouragement. The Queen braced herself, biting the stick and giving one last push. The last two kits slipped out, both very still. Scorchtooth felt his heart beat skip.
     "Quick, start licking this one." He passed one kit to Silverpaw and grabbed the smaller one. It was an all ginger tabby she-cat that was smaller than all her siblings. The black tom licked it fiercely, wiling it to suck in its first breath of air. "Don't die on me.." He licked and licked until his tongue seemed raw. It was still and so fragile. Suddenly as Scorchtooth was about to admit defeat it opened its tiny pink mouth and mewled out weakly. It was weak, but it was better than nothing. The medicine cat continued to lick, rubbing it with his paws. He set it down next to Dawnflight when he was sure it was stable.
      "There!" Silverpaw purred as the kit she was licking cried out too. It was a mostly white tom with ginger tabby and black patches. She set the squirming kit next to the other three. Four kits. Four alive kits. Scorchtooth looked at Dawnflight, giving her a lick between the ears. Her sides heaved and she lay there, barely conscious. He felt the pain in his heart again. This wasn't the first time he watched a Queen die giving birth. And he wasn't surprised with the leaf bare conditions. But it still hurt him to lose a patient.
      "You did good." He purred to the drifting she-cat. "What will you name them?" Scorchtooth pulled them close to her muzzle so she could see. Dawnflight opened her eyes, taking in her little kittens. "The brown one...Oakkit." She gave him a weak lick. "The dark calico..Ravenkit." She was going unconscious. Scorchtooth encouraged here.
       "And the last two?"
       "The mostly white tom.. " He was the quietest of all his siblings as they mewled loudly for milk. "Silentkit. And last but not least," She purred weakly as she looked at her smallest ginger tabby kit. "Tinykit." Scorchtooth crinkled his nose. That was a harsh name to have. He didn't have time to question it. The white and ginger she-cat's eyes rolled back and she drifted off. He knew she wouldn't be waking up. He could only make her passing comfortable.
       Silverpaw looked at Dawnflight in shock. "She just passed out! We have to do something! What's wrong with her!" Scorchtooth set a paw on the light she-cat's shoulder.
      "There's nothing we can do. She's too weak. And she has been hurt during the kitting process. Sometimes you have to let patients go." Scorchtooth then really noticed the amount of blood around the nest. "We just need to be thankful the kits made it."
      "No! I won't accept that! They can't not have a mother!" She licked the Queen vigorously. "Wake up, Dawnflight! Come on, you can do it!" Scorchtooth tightened his jaw. What could he do? He didn't argue with her further, just let her panic over the slowly fading Queen. He pushed away the feeling eating at his heart. You can't save everyone. The black tom situated the kits back to their mother's belly for them to feed until she was with Starclan. Scorchtooth padded out of the den, raising his head to look at the crowd of cats awaiting. "Four healthy kits. Oakkit, Ravenkit, Silentkit, and Tinykit."
     The clan cheered, their hearts warm against the cold day and bitterness of a looming rouge attack. Scorchtooth didn't want to break the news to them. He wanted them to be able to be happy and at ease. But it had to be done. He couldn't change the fact that it was Dawnflight's time to join the cats in the stars. "Dawnflight..unfortunately..isn't going to make it. She lost a lot of blood and is very weak. Im sorry." The cheering stopped, the clearing dropping to unbearable silence. "Im so sorry." Scorchtooth dropped his head. Silverpaw's wails were heard inside the Nursery.

(So, JD wolf played Dawnflight and would have played her kits but I found that his account was deleted. Soo! The kits are up for grabs! Im going to play Oakkit and the other four can be played by whoever wants them. First come first serve! sorry that that was a depressing D=)


  1. "Carry on with your regular duties. And if someone is so kind, please alert Ghoststar of the news. If anyone else would like to help... We need plenty of moss for new nests. Please get your apprentices to do so. As you all know, Stormclaw, our only elder, is sick with green cough.. We will need help with the burial. " Scorchtooth waited till he saw cats begin to break apart, then turned back into the nursery. Padding over to Silverpaw, he put his tail on her shoulder. "We have more work to do. These kits need somewhere to sleep, and this bedding..." He didn't want to describe it. "..Just won't do. Why don't you get the kits situated while I clean up? Try to keep them quiet and warm. Mostly quiet." He couldn't think of anything more annoying than a kits constant mewling, and he hoped bringing humor into the situation would help. Turning away from his apprentice, he waited somewhat impatiently for the volunteers to come inside.

    Owlflight's mouth went dry. A Queen? Dead? She thought a medicine cat could do anything, save anyone. When she lived life as a loner, she never had to deal with losses of anyone, just had to care about her own well-being. Trying to shake these thoughts out of her head, she decided it would be best to help Dawnflight, to get the burial she deserved. Slowly, and a bit frighteningly, she padded toward the nursery, which already smelled like death.

    (I could play Tinykit?)

  2. Brownfur's ears flattened back once the queen's death was announced. The reality of death crashed down on her like a wave. One day she would be dead like Dawnflight, as with everyone else near her. She hung her head. She soon shook the thoughts away. Dawnflight wouldn't have wanted for everyone to grieve and leave her kits alone. Brownfur felt an urge to help the orphans. She got up and padded into the nursery, beginning to clear the bloody bedding. The air felt heavy with the recent death, and the iron scent of blood overwhelmed the den.

    Spade let out a heavy sigh, and laid down. The tip of his tail flicked. He never witnessed a death face to face, due to his reclusive nature as a loner. He didn't think he would care, because he thought of himself hardened and aloof. If he was, then why was the death bothering him so much? He was never close to Dawnflight, and the queen probably never liked him, such as the other cats in the Clan. Why should the death bother him? He grunted and laid his chin on his paws, thinking in silence.

    (I'll take Ravenkit.)

  3. (Could I have silentkit?? And that too bad)

    Tawnynight felt her heart sink as she heard the black toms words. Her eyes flickered as she hesitated to go help but wanted to grt her mind off of all the dead. The dark brown she-cat walked into the den looking at the queen. "Ill help." She mewed quietly.

    Silverpaw hung her head while nodding. She began to lick the kitts and tried to keep them warm. The white she-cat felt horrible this didnt feel right, dawnflight wouldnt want to be replaced she would have wanted to do this. Her heart sank as she thought about it.

    Whitewhisper didnt say anything she just walked off to clear her mind.

    Shadowpelt watched everyone leave with sadness that followed close behind. She shook her head and went to hunt.

  4. "Good. Let's move the body out to the clearing." Scorchtooth meowed, moving closer to Dawnflight's, now lifeless, body. Carefully taking hold of the scruff on her neck, and gently lifting that portion off of the ground.

    Owlflight slowly circled around the Queen. It wasn't the first time she had seen a dead body, but it didn't surprise her any less. The Queen looked as if she was sleeping, but her glazed eyes and frozen expression told more. She lifted the lower portion of Dawnflight's body off of the ground, so her pelt wouldn't be dragging against the forest floor. She deserves a proper burial.

  5. Redclaw looked away as he heard. His green eyes almost dragged as he looked back.The ginger toms eyes slowly cleared up, she would eant to be mourned over her would have wanted them to help. Reclaw walked over to the den. I cou-i have to help with something. His nose wrinkled as he came closer, his mouth gaped slightly. As the tom entered he looked at the Queen and flinched. He hated seeing death but knew what had to be done. He too the left side where her back was and lefted gently.

  6. Streampaw ran out of camp. Everything is going wrong! Why is this happening to us? Her growing muscles flexed under she gray pelt. This scared the she-cat because she had never seen a dead cat. Fear struck her as she thought about the rouges coming. Dead bodies everywhere. Nothing could stop it.. streampaw stopped and let out a yowl of panic. She leaned against a tree so she wouldnt tip over.

  7. Brownfur padded out of camp and walked through the forest. The trees were dead; skeletons looming over threateningly. The snow was cold and wet under her paws, and the chilly air didn't feel much better. She walked with her head down. She looked around half-heartedly for any moss remaining in the harsh weather. She was jostled out of her thoughts when she heard a yowl. Her head perked up and her ears flicked around, trying to determine the source. She ran in the direction, soon discovering Streampaw was the source. She rushed over to the apprentice. "Streampaw, Streampaw!" She yelled urgently. "Calm down and tell me what happened!"

  8. Streampaw looked numbly at her mentor, "Dawnflight..is dead..", her words felt cold to the tongue as they left her mouth. Her fur bristled with anger and fear.

  9. Scorchtooth sighed exasperatingly as one of the apprentices fled camp. How will they ever be a warrior if they can't handle anything? Deciding it would be better to focus on the task at paw, he and the other warriors carried Dawnflight's body (somewhat clumsily) into the clearing, carefully and gracefully setting it down in the heart of the camp.

  10. Snakefang decided it best that he would deliver the news to Ghoststar. The white she-cat had gone back into her den to talk with Darkmoon about the Roseclan skirmish at the border. Ghoststar was his best friend, and he wanted nothing more than to hide the news from her so that she might be happy. But that was impossible. He imagined her pacing her den, worrying herself sick over the border and the kitting she probably thought was still happening. Maybe this clan wasn't the best idea... The dark tabby tom paused outside the den for a moment before pushing his head in. He could hear the leader and Deputy discussing briskly in the dark cave. He called softly, "Ghoststar, I don't mean to interrupt but I have news."

    Ghoststar pricked her ears as she recognized Snakefang's voice. News? It was about the kits. They had been successfully brought to this world. At least, that's what she prayed for. But as she nodded for Snakefang to come in, the tom's eyes and body posture told her differently. Something was wrong. After exchanging a glance with Darkmoon, the white she cat asked, "What is it?"

    Snakefang hung his head for a second before looking up. He swallowed hard. "The kits have been delivered successfully..."

    Ghoststar felt her heart lighten. "Oh good, I'm sure Dawnflight is exhausted. We'll have to send a patrol out to find food for her, I-"

    Snakefang cut her off. "There's more." The white she-cat froze. Her heart thundered as quickly as it had lightened. "Dawnflight is dead. She..didn't make it through kitting. Her body was too weak."

    Ghoststar felt her joints give out. She sat, staring forward as her mind swirled. Dawnflight was dead? Dawnflight was dead. Dawnflight was dead. As many times as she said it in her mind it didn't make sense. "But..Scorchtooth was taking care of her...She was going to be fine..."

    Snakefang looked down sympathetically, his ears flat. "Everyone is very distraught. You should talk to them.." He knew it was Ghoststar who had to pull everyone together after such a blow to the clan.

    Ghoststar couldn't move. She couldn't think. She had brought Dawnflight prey often enough to know the she-cat's bright eyes and her soft meow. To imagine the life gone from that was impossible. "I think..Its best if you two leave me alone for now.." She flicked her tail toward the entrance.

    Snakefang felt frustrated. She couldn't just sit in here and sulk. But could he blame her? He turned after a moment of hesitation and walked out with Darkmoon.

  11. Ash felt terrible about the death of the clan's Queen. He knew it wasn't his place but he wanted to help. The black spotted tom padded to the Queen's den and began to help clear the bedding. He sent sympathetic glances to the cats around him, imagining the pain of their sadness. He imagined more deaths to come when his former tribe attacked, lead by the rouge's tyrannical rule. No...They will fight back. And survive.

    Honey couldn't share in his compassion. She sat still as a rock at the edge of the cleaning, crouched with her tail wrapped around her paws. She didn't care about the lives of these cats. All she could think about was the friends she had lost back home when the rouges attacked. Why ancestors? Must you punish us? Her blue eyes were glazed over as she was lost in her own thoughts.

  12. (Yes, the three of you can have the remaining kits you want! So, all I need you to do is post in the join page what their personalities are like! And then you can role-play them as you like!)

  13. Brownfur understood the young cat's distress. She had seen dead cats before on her own, and felt stressed from the sights. She never knew the victims personally or even lived near them, but she imagined what the feeling was like. She rasped her tongue over Streampaw's ear. "Yes, she is. The healthy thing to do now is greive. But, do not grieve for long. She left kits that we have to look after and take care of. She would want us to worry about them more than her." She glanced up at the sky. "She's in StarClan now, and will look after us in case of a rogue invasion, and she will monitor her children as we train them to become warriors."
