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Who goes there? Don't you know your trespassing on Twilightclan territory. Just passing through, ha! I've heard that before. You must be a spy, or a cat from an enemy clan! I don't recognize your scent... Who's Twilightclan? What a question! Twilightclan is only the most feared clan of all the cats around here! We hunt in the night with stealth of Tigerclan, defend ourselves with the strength of Lionclan, and attack with the speed of Leopardclan. Is that a spark of interest I see in your eyes? Don't even think of joining. Only the most clever, courageous, and stealthy cats can join Twilightclan. Cats who aren't afraid of the night, who become shadows as dusk falls to night. It isn't a place for the faint of heart. What? A bunch of savages! Fighting isn't all we do. We also raise our young to be brave and keep them safe with our elders and queens. You're still interested huh? Well...join, if you dare.


NOTE: This is a dark clan so try and keep the names out of the bright side like lightflame or flowerwhisp. You know we gotta sound tough/dark. Thanks for joining :D


  1. Name: Tawnynight
    Rank: new warrior
    Gender: female
    Look/Personality: A bark pine she-cat with a light brown chest, white on her muzzle and creme toes in the front and back with a dark brown nose. she is a shy but sweet once you get to know her, but if need be she will rough you up to put you in your place.
    Story: Family comes from Bloodclan but didn't want to kill and live like nothing happened so ran away, and found Twiightclan.
    Picture: http://th01.deviantart.net/fs27/300W/f/2008/131/3/4/I__m_Dancing_Till_Dawn____by_thesusieq.jpg

  2. Name: Darkmoon
    Rank: Deputy (?)
    Gender: She-cat
    Look/Personality: Darkmoon is a jet black she-cat with gray-green eyes. Darkmoon is clever, loyal, and extremely stubborn. She doesn't back down easily and loves a good challenge; however, she is afraid of failing.
    Story: Darkmoon was a former rouge, who would kill to achieve her goals.
    Picture: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTTI4dSKVrWIdzIBkEPW5uF1Ur97x5tp9TFcKtdBoISLNO-SMif

    Name: Featherpaw (Featherstorm)
    Rank: Apprentice
    Gender: She-cat
    Look/Personality: A light gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes. She's kind and gentle, but will be fierce if provoked.
    Story: Featherpaw was a former kittypet, but she ran away before the twolegs could take her to the cutter.
    Picture: http://thecatsoflightningclan.webs.com/Silver%20Tabby.png

    Is it ok if Featherpaw liked Snakefang?

    Name: Thristlefur
    Rank: Warrior
    Gender: Tom
    Look/Personality: Thristlefur is a handsome, skinny black tom with with calico flecks and blue-green eyes. He is courageous and brash, but does have a soft side when it comes to those who are weaker than himself.
    Story: Thristlefur was born a loner and spent most of his time alone, but when he heard of TwilightClan from a few kittypets, he got curious and wanted to join.
    Picture: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b217/XxXcryingsoulXxX/cats/mottled.png

    If Darkmoon can't be deputy, could she be a regular Warrior?

  3. Name:Boulderclaw
    Look/Personality:White/gray with black stripes along his body.The tom has ice blue eyes that chill the soul if you look too long.He is strong and stubborn.Boulder is a ladies charmer and is every protective over who he cares about.
    Story:Boulder knows Tawny (Tawnynight)and goes looking for her when she goes missing from Bloodclan and finds her in Twilightclan.

    Rank:Medicine Cat
    Look/Personality:A beautiful white with silver on her paws and tail tip. She is not a fighter and doesn't stand it she will stop a scrap on the spot if need be.Her eyes stun everyone like the coal on the reef of the ocean.
    Story:Silver used to be a kitty pet, but she was forgotten by her family because of the new baby so ran away.The two-legs took her claws.She stumbled upon Twilight and saw a new beginning.

  4. Name:Mystery (Snowpaw *Snowfur*)
    Look/Personality:Mystery is a peppery white she-cat with fading stripes.Her eyes are a light gray with a small hint of blue.She is gentle and sweet for her bitter passed.The she-cats claws are like the sliver of Silver pelt.Mystery is little but her size doesn't matter her loyalty can cover that right up.
    Story:She has been a lone most of her life and needed to spice things up in her life to went looking for the clan that every cat has been talking about, "Twilightclan sounds strong.."

  5. Welp, I'll join o3o

    Name: Scorchtooth
    Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice
    Gender: Male
    Looks/Personality: Dark black cat, with gray scars etched all over his body, mostly muzzle, and dull yellow eyes. He has some scraggly, broken teeth, hence where his name comes from. He hates to sympathize any cat, and many wonder why he chose to become a medicine cat. He is stern, and has little to no patience for any cat, young or old. Only the bravest warriors dare to 'defy' him.
    Story: Nothing much of a back story. Good mother & father... No one knows why he is so grumpy. "He was born bitter" the elders usually joke.
    Pic: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1Lyazb0jIqMrYGoC1AAmOw5Rm_zAq5OnJJAR6g6Pm19CplxjbkQ

    Name: Owlpaw
    Rank: Apprentice
    Gender: Female
    Looks/Personality: Reddish brown classic tabby, with dark amber eyes. She is a spitfire, and proud of it. She loves to defy & outsmart others, but despises for getting in trouble for it. She is eager to learn, but sometimes her attitude can prevent her from doing any of that.
    Story: Was just a young, feral cat. She loved slinking through all different towns before, but she strayed off course for a while when she noticed cats were sneaking off to join this so-called TwilightClan...
    Pic: http://files.dogster.com/images/dogster/pdfs/classic.jpg

  6. Name: Spade
    Rank: Warrior
    Gender: Male
    Looks/Personality: A brown tabby tom with green eyes. He is sleek and is known for his jumping abilities. He has a sly personality, and doesn't hesitate to be cynical. He tends to be flirty near she-cats.
    Story: He was caught hunting in the territory, and instead of fighting his way out of the situation, he decided to coyly join the Clan. He refuses a warrior name.
    Pic: http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4964643976448436&pid=15.1

    Name: Brownfur
    Rank: Warrior
    Gender: Female
    Looks/Personality: A tawny-brown she-cat with yellow eyes. She is quiet and reserved, but when provoked, she isn't afraid to speak her mind. She is loyal to her Clan, and is open to the idea of living in a group.
    Story: A former loner, she searched for the Clan so close to her territory that she heard stories about. She joined the Clan for a different way of life, one where survival could be easier.
    Pic: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2259/2230030421_9bfb448545.jpg?v=0

  7. Name:Redclaw
    Looks/Personality:A reddish orange tom with a white chest, muzzle and paws. He loyal and trustworthy. Redclaw is also known for his spying skills, but not too good at his hunting and cant control his strength.
    Story:He was warrior cat but was exiled for being too soft, so he searched for a different clan.

    Looks/Personality:Splashed with
    and ashy gray and black with pale green eyes.
    Funny sweet and loyal but stubborn and good at debating and standing for what she cares about.
    Story:Uknown (come up with yourself i got nothing)

  8. Name: Shadowpelt
    Gender: Female
    Looks/Personality: This female has colors splashed on her back, face and legs. She also has bright green eyes. Shadow is sweet and strong. she isnt know for a snappy attitude but can get one if her paw was twisted the wrong way.
    Story: She was a rogue and has been one since birth.
    (is it okay is she likes Thristlefur?)

    Looks/Personality: she used to be a thief and hide when she could and if she could. Whisper is a pretty white with faded stripes. The she-cat is light and and quiet on her feet. Her amber eyes can be noticed in any group of cats for all of the things she has seen as a thief.
    Story:She planned to get away from all of the cats she stole from and hide as a normal cat in a clan.

  9. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXswCYGR6BJXbtxjkefOPBiX0igtiXOWq5F4EV4xTIwOAiQWru

    this is actually want Shadowpelt to look like, and i want her name to be Duskpelt.

  10. Name:Blackfoot
    Gender: male
    Looks/Personality:all black but a spot of white on his chest. he is funny and charming but serious all at the same time. his eyes are alight/pale amber.
    Story: he came from twoleg place as a loner. his family abandoned him because he wasnt like them white and pure.

    Name: Spottedpaw (Spottedwing)
    Rank: apprentice
    Gender: Female
    Looks/Personality: spottedwing is a talkative she-cat that brags and brags about how good at hunting she is. she is all talk no bite she has trouble keeping her mouth shut and might get her in more trouble than she can handle, but for a know it all she is a sweet female that has a warm heart and fun personality.
    Story: she was a kitty-pet but they through her out because of her meowing and play fighting that got a little too rough.

    Name: Stormclaw
    Rank: Elder
    Personality/ Description: Stormclaw is a scruffy old man with a childish personality. his eyes are a dark brown/amber that holds many events from the past. he is full of stories can give kits devilish ideas.
    Story:he was a former rogue that didnt age well due to fights and brakes.

    Rank: Queen
    Gender: Female
    Personality/Description: Dawnflight is a pretty female with ginger and white on her pelt. her soaring personality fits her name well, her eyes a deep amber that can change to a light amber and back again.
    Story: she came from the deep side of the the forest to look for help. she was insure about having the kits but now she knows she wants them but cant do it alone. (expecting them not yet had them)

  11. This is the URL for Spottedpaw the one I gave you was dumb. Its the cat labled #3


  12. -.- nvm im just being retarted...my bad

  13. Silentkit is a quiet and calm kit. Usually talking with his body language and eye contact. Most find it unusual he doesnt have questions and little cute conversations with everyone, but dont question it around him.

  14. Ravenkit is a proud cat. She is independent and loves showing off her abilities and toughness. She is a bit of an introvert; she thrives in her own company. She cares a lot about what others think, and wants to please everyone she respects. She is a little bit apathetic, but tries her best to be the cat everyone can lean on.

  15. Name: Ivywhisker
    Rank: Warrior
    Gender: Female
    Personality/Description: Lean, tough ready for a fight, mysterious brave,mist cat (type of cat look it up) quite small BEAUTIFUL amber eyes. Also evil
    Mate: Foxcatcher

  16. This is the first time I've looked at this blog in forever. It's really inactive at this point, I don't have the time to keep it up. Sorry =(

