"Haven't I told you before, Ash-""Yes...It was just my opinion that-"
"No one asked for your opinion!" The yowl echoed through the boulders. Cats were still as they watched the fiery amber tom loom over Ash. Of course it was he who would challenge the leader; Ash always did.
The Tribe of Starlit Boulders was a peace giving, spiritual tribe before Kan came. They knew how to fight, only to defend their young from praying foxes and badgers, and worse, Sharpclaws. They knew how to hunt to feed each other and the weaker members. But more than those two skills they were thought the power of peace and insight was most important. Their ancestors guided their path and each cat would devote their time to doing what's right by them, helping others. A band of rouges had taken over since then, lead by Kan, and now things were entirely different.
Fighting was everything. To conquer was strength. Cats muttered that Kan had gone crazed with power, but none would defy him. The Tribe was quickly replaced mostly by rouges and those of the old members that survived adapted to the knew ways in fear of Kan's wrath. All except Ash.
"I did not know I need be asked what I thought." Ash flashed back at Kan, his yellow eyes staring steadily at the dictator. He flexed his claws, knowing his kin were watching him in fear: fear for his life. He had to be the example, if no others would. It was the ancestors way.
Kan laughed heartily, his mood often changing in a heart beat. "Alright, Ash of blah blah whatever. You can tell me what we should do. And you can tell me what you think of me, but that's all you can do. Words." He took a paw step closer, his stinking breath swirling around Ash's muzzle. "Get in my way with actions ever again, and I'll squash you like a bug. You're ways are dead. So are your ancestors. I rule things here now." From here, Ash could clearly see the scars on the amber tom, all battle wounds that never seemed to stop adding up. With one flick of his tail, the gathered cats broke apart and went back to their duties. Ash let his shoulders slump, sitting down heavily on the boulder. Honey of Sweetest Morning rushed to his side, brushing her muzzle along his shoulder. She was younger than he was by a few moons and much less outspoken.
"Do you not get it! He is going to take over another group of cats, just as he did to us! He will destroy their ways...He will kill their kin. These cats are rouges, unlike us!" Ash, in his bout of passion, was on his paws pacing back and forth. Honey had dropped her gaze. She knew he was right but didn't say anything.
"Its not for us to protect those cats. Not our job to save their kin." She muttered, almost sweetly, trying to calm him down.
Ash looked at her. She was one of the mothers who had lost their kits. "Who says?" The gray spotted tom leaped down from the boulder, heading down the slope at a rapid pace. Honey looked up suddenly, following him with equal grace.
"What are you doing? Where are you going, Ash!?" She knew he was one for doing rash things.
"I am doing what is right. I will save the twilight. I will rise the stars. These rouges will not again take what is not theirs." He would warn them. Those strange cats just over the ridge. Ash was more determined than anything. He didn't try to stop Honey from following him. He knew she would do the right thing too.
(You all can continue to comment on the earlier post, this is just a teaser for what is to come mwhahaha)